Personal portfolio - Mauricio Aznar

Guide - SEO for react



Important aspects of optimization

  • Keyword research
  • Server side rendering vs static rendering
  • Tags (open graph tags)
  • Canonical/Meta tags
  • robots.txt
  • sitemap.xml

Curl as googlebot

See how google downloads your website (link). Replace $@ with your website.

curl --user-agent "Googlebot/2.1 (+" -v $@

## Installment of next

See react-next snippet


  • Having at least one h1 per page, helps seo.

Title tags

<title key="...">...</title>
  • Relatively short (60 characters or so)
  • Features core concept
  • compelling
  • maybe include a keyword there. keyword research.
  • think through the name of the title. IMPORTANT part in crawling

Examples of keywords that could be used:

  • History
  • Team
  • Development
  • Software
  • Android

Meta description tag

<meta name="description" content="..." key="..." />
  • Second half of search engine result page. First is the title. (e.g see any result from google search)
  • Description for social media sites
  • What makes a good description?
    • about 160 characters
    • contains keywords
    • express value/specification
      • e.g. prices, description of products
    • prompt/call to action. encourages user to use product/service.


  • We provides prices that are low...
  • Let us guide you through the custom software design and development process. Send us a message...
  • Use our free online estimate calculator to instantly check the cost of your custom software...
  • Cutting edge technology...

Open graph tag

<meta name="og:type" content="website" />
<meta name="og:image" content="" />
<meta name="og:image:type" content="image/png" />
<meta name="og:image:width" content="1200" />
<meta name="og:image:height" content="630" />
<meta name="og:image:alt" content="company logo" />
<meta name="og:image:title" content="Bringing west coast tech..." key="og:title" />
<meta name="og:url" content="" key="og:url"/>
  • Created by facebook for sharing websites
  • host an image (e.g. imgur)
  • open graph protocol (open graph protocol link)
  • width and height (1200 & 630 is the standard size people have found works best)
  • title is the title that is going to be displayed
  • key ensures that the property is unique on the page
  • URL The canonical URL of your object that will be used as its permanent ID in the graph

Canonical tags

<link rel="canonical" key="canonical" href="" />

Robots.txt & sitemap.xml

  • Explicit instrucions to the search engine.
  • Gives points to seo
  • They need to be at the root url


  • Gives rules on how site can be crawled
  • Links to the sitemap


  • Informs search engines of the site structure
  • Provides some meta information about individual pages

Scripts used to build sitemap.xml and robots.txt

by @embiem

  • Install fs-extra. npm install --save fs-extra
  • Insert this script in scrips `package.json
    • postbuild: node ./scripts/sitemap.js


module.exports = function formatDate(date) {
  var d = new Date(date),
    month = "" + (d.getMonth() + 1),
    day = "" + d.getDate(),
    year = d.getFullYear();

  if (month.length < 2) month = "0" + month;
  if (day.length < 2) day = "0" + day;

  return [year, month, day].join("-");


const fs = require("fs");

module.exports = () => {
  const fileObj = {};

  const walkSync = dir => {
    // Get all files of the current directory & iterate over them
    const files = fs.readdirSync(dir);
    files.forEach(file => {
      // Construct whole file-path & retrieve file's stats
      const filePath = `${dir}${file}`;
      const fileStat = fs.statSync(filePath);

      if (fileStat.isDirectory()) {
        // Recurse one folder deeper
      } else {
        // Construct this file's pathname excluding the "pages" folder & its extension
        const cleanFileName = filePath
          .substr(0, filePath.lastIndexOf("."))
          .replace("pages/", "");

        // Add this file to `fileObj`
        fileObj[`/${cleanFileName}`] = {
          page: `/${cleanFileName}`,
          lastModified: fileStat.mtime

  // Start recursion to fill `fileObj`

  return fileObj;


const fs = require("fs-extra");
const getPathsObject = require("./getPathsObject");
const formatDate = require("./formatDate");

// ROBOTS.txt (change baseurl for yours)
const robotsTxt = `User-agent: *

fs.writeFileSync("public/robots.txt", robotsTxt);
console.log("robots.txt saved!");

const pathsObj = getPathsObject();
const today = formatDate(new Date());

// Modified script (@embiem was adding _documetn and _app so they are being filtered)
const sitemapXml = `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
    .filter(path => path !== "/_document" && path !== "/_app")

      path => `<url>
      path === "/index"
        ? `<loc></loc>`
        : `<loc>${path}</loc>`
        ? formatDate(new Date(pathsObj[path].lastModified))
        : today

fs.writeFileSync("public/sitemap_local.xml", sitemapXml);
console.log("sitemap_local.xml saved!");

Cross browser support

  • Use analytics
  • Active while in development (suggestions during typing)

List of browsers

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Microsoft edge



  • safari doesnt render svg text tags inside of the img tag.
    • we copy the svg file and replace the image tag.
  • Make appropriate adjustments of styles
    • check for displays (e.g. display: none)


  • publish the project


see heroku snippets


  • same company as next.js
  • free SSL
  • Automatic CDN

How to use?

  1. Make an account
  2. install now globally npm install -g now
  3. now init nextjs
  4. cd nextjs
  5. now

Google Analytics

Google analytics


  • Goals: see what the users did before reaching something you are interested in.
    • Conversion: track important actions (see how much your website is providing to the users)
  • Filtering: avoid adding data from testing (you as a user).
    • go to views and remove yourself as a user
    • go to admin button
    • add view (test view). set your current timezone
    • add view (master view).
    • select a filter.
    • add a filter (remove home traffic).
    • exclude your ip.
  • Events: Collect data and organize it
    • Can have a category, action, label value
      • Label and value are optional



  1. create or login with google account
  2. select what you want to measure
  3. select url and website name
  4. select industry and timezone accordingly
  5. copy tracking id

React package

  1. Install react-ga package
npm install --save react-ga
  1. use the following function ReactGA.initialize('tracking_id')
  2. Watch for url changes and send info to react-ga
    • watch out for re render of components. so it sends once per visit.
  • You can send events to analytics by using the event function