Personal portfolio - Mauricio Aznar
Description: Considerably the most robust demo I've ever made. It consists on handling information of a law firm

Most prominent features

  • Calendar layout that updates with live data (appointments section)
  • Stepper layout to handle many input fields (documents form section)
  • User roles and groups to authorize users to certain actions (users and groups)
  • Business logic tested on the server. Makes app considerably easier to grow/change (users and groups)
  • Client and server validation. Improves user experience by giving correct and precise feedback
  • Modern ui design by using google material principles.
  • ...and more

Technical details

  • UI made with vue and vuetify. Hosted on netlfiy
  • Server made with express, nestjs and mysql. Hosted on digitalocean
Performance monitor
Description: App made to montitor cpu, memory and disk usage by sending live data.
Credits to: Robert Bunch (Socket IO Course)

Most prominent features

  • Updates ui each time new data is being sent from a client
  • A client sends memory, cpu and disk usage each 100ms
  • Data is handled by animating certain states. Example: when memory displays a high usage, it changes to a red color
  • ...and more

Technical details

  • UI made with react and chakra ui. Hosted on netlfiy
  • Client made with express. Hosted on the desired machine (mac, windows or linux)
  • Server api made with express, nestjs and mongodb. Hosted on digitalocean
  • Server database hosted on mongoatlas
Description: App made to test react, graphql and ui engineering ideas.

Most prominent features

  • Image upload
  • Authorization
  • Graphql authorized subscriptions
  • ...and more

Technical details

  • UI made with react and material ui. Hosted on netlfiy
  • Server api made with nestjs and mongodb. Hosted on digitalocean
  • Apollographql used in front and back end.